A Vibrant Wellness Center
The Master's Way Classes
The Master's Way Classes
The Master's Way self-mastery program comes in three levels:
the Path of Light, the Path of Love and the Path of Mystery.
The Path of Light teaches you to come into the power of your light to manifest your reality on the Earth. It teaches you about your light and how you have the power to create whatever you want to create in your life and how this may affect you.
The Path of Love shows you how to connect with the divine and receive divine guidance, love and nourishment so you are fully supported to manifest your light on the Earth and truly ignite the Twin Flame within you.
The Path of Mystery asks you to surrender to divine will and allow divine will to guide you completely in your life so that the Threefold Flame of God's heart may be activated within you as you walk on the Earth.
Each level comes with a student manual of approximately 340 pages that is well set out and simple to follow and access to MP3 audios for each lesson.

The Path of Light has 30 lessons with an audio channel direct from the Masters for you to listen to,
which is supplied on an audio MP3 files. Each lesson also has a student workbook to follow and the manual includes a section called Tools of Assistance which has all the information, tools and knowledge you need to do the course, plus at the back of the manual you will find more than 30 questions and answers from the Masters to help you.
The Masters have shared this self-mastery program that assists all those who choose to walk the path of en-lightenment to open to the knowledge and wisdom of all that they are, to embrace unconditional love for all that is, and to manifest the power of the mystery of Source they hold within upon the Earth.
Level 1: no prerequisite necessary
Please contact for more information

The Path of Love includes a manual with 390 pages and has 33 lessons. Each of these lessons is also supplied in an MP3 audio format with the original Ascended Master channel. Each lessons includes a student workbook.
The Tools of Assistance section includes mantras, decrees and affirmations as well as information about the light body, the chakras and the Universal Rays.
Level 2 prerequisite: Path of Light
Please contact for more information

The Path of Mystery has 33 wisdom teachings that are high-frequency energy attunements channeled from the Ascended Masters. To receive the highest potential from this course, we recommend that you do one lesson each week in the order they are set out in the manual.
While you read and listen to the teachings and complete the worksheets, your cells, DNA, consciousness, energy bodies, and monads are being highly activated. During the course you receive downloads of energy, information, and guidance from the Ascended Master Council that oversoul this course.
Each lesson holds a very high frequency of energy and you may find that as you embrace these teachings fully they begin to manifest in your life through the physical realm.
Level 3 Prerequisites: Path of Light and Path of Love
Please contact for more information
For further information about courses, please click here
Cost for the student manual is $200 plus postage + handling
We will meet weekly for the 35 weeks of training for a total cost of $450 (approximately $12.85 a class)
payment installment plans available